It started with a dare and a will to be part of the great Edinburgh Festival. Our inspiration stems from Edinburgh itself, its hidden alleys, its stories, its beautiful parks and architecture. As tour guides we tell stories but wanted to come up with a way of allowing people to discover the stories for themselves and even take part in them.
Our drive was storytelling but also old fashioned entertainment. We wanted to create an activity that didn’t heavily rely on technology. A scavenger hunt that allowed people to manipulate real objects, open chests and engage hands on with the city.
“Sherlock’s Secret Challenge” was our first game and was born in 2018 as part of the Fringe Festival. “Fantastic Creatures of Edinburgh and where to find them” followed and “The Pirate’s Riddle” is our latest game.
Our games are available to play in Edinburgh March till December.

Who‘s behind ETH
I’m Sabi, the company director, a game designer and tour guide. After years of telling and retelling the stories of Edinburgh to its visitors, I decided to combine my knowledge of the city with my passion for games into this very personal take on treasure hunts. I created “Sherlock’s Secret Challenge” as a way to achieve a lifetime goal: be a part of the Fringe Festival.
My hope is to make people play and interact with each other. I make games I’d like to play myself and it fills me with joy to see others enjoy them too.
Get all your steps
For the day
Less screen
And more action